The battle of Bywater was to undo the takeover of the Shire by Saruman and his ruffian allies. Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin returned to the Shire after their adventures and found it had been changed for the worst by Saruman and Lotho Sackville-Baggins. Merry blew on the Horn of Rohan to gather support and many Hobbits rallied to his call. They succeeded in defeating their enemies.
This is the 171st release in the Gold Status Fellowship club and was December 2019's Winning idea. It was suggested by 'Axel'. The height of the figure is 26mm to the top of the raised horn. The figure are 32mm scale.
This product is not suitable for children under the age of 14.
- Range:
- Fellowship club
- Race:
- Hobbit
- Release Date:
- August 2020
- Scale:
- 32mm
- Figure weight:
- 6 Grams
- Condition:
- Unprimed and does not require assembly.