Here are some links to cool sites that might be useful to Mithril Collectors like yourself. Mithril will reciprocate links if the site is Tolkien related or supportive of collectible miniatures. Contact us if banners are to be exchanged.
Mithril Collector's pages:
- Craig Grady's Mithril.
- Ellyrion Figurines - Mithril,
- Lost Miniatures Wiki - Mithril.
- Mithril Faerylands - This site is dedicated to miniature pewter figurines made by Mithril. Includes full Mithril Database.
- Orclord's Mithril.
- Sam's Minis World - Painting M1 Galadriel.
Tolkien Related Links:
- From Gandalf to Gollum: Study The Lord of the Rings.
- Pierwsza Polska Strona Domowa.
- Planet Tolkien.
- The Encyclopedia of Arda.
- TheOneRing,
- The Tolkien Trail.
- Middle-earth Enterprises.
Lord of the Rings Links:
- - Council of Elrond.
- - Lord Of The Rings Fantasy World - Devoted to Tolkien's books.
Terrain Building Links:
Role Playing Game Links:
- Dagorhir Battle Game Association -Dark age Europe meets Middle-earth in the safe and action packed live battle game,
- The Stuff of Legends,
- Dol-Amroth.DE - Focuses on the geography and culture of Dol Amroth and Dor-En-Ernil (Belfalas).